dimanche 16 octobre 2011

preparations for the winter

      So today I will speak about the winter which is really soon now! This week I went in different shops with my friends to have a look on the winter clothes. So here in Sweden there are two things that you really need to buy for the winter: special shoes and special jacket. The 2 last winters in Sweden were particularly cold, long and strong. From half November to half April, the temperature was between 0 and -20 degrees with one meter of snow in Stockholm.          That’s why you need to buy warm and long shoes and jacket.
     Otherwise today I went to our country house with Lars, my host father, in order to prepare it for the winter and the snow. So we covered the boats, put everything (garden chairs, garden tools…) inside, turned the water and the electricity off and take care of the plants…
     Concerning the weather here, the temperature is between 5 and 10 degrees the day and around 0 during the night. The sunrise is around 7h45 and the sunset around 17h40.

     To finish I just will evocate few anecdotes that I noticed this week:
     First I went to the cinema for the first time (to see “abduction”, good film). So the cinema here is very confortable but so expensive! Nearly 11 euro to watch a simple film and 15 if it is in 3D. But you are placed in the cinema and you can choose where.
      Secondly I saw that if you put your empty bottles or cans in a special machine, this one give you (few) money.
      To finish, yesterday I had dinner with my family in a brasserie at… 17h15!!!

      To conclude for today I just would like to thanks the rugby’s French team with offering me the best birthday present: going to the world cup final!


dimanche 9 octobre 2011

first snow in Sweden

Hej! Salut!

J'espère tout va bien  en tout cas que de bonnes nouvelles ce weekend!
Commençons par la plus importante: La qualification de l'équipe de France de rugby pour les Demi-finales de la coupe du Monde de rugby! (Ce n'est pas une nouvelle pour tout le monde mais dans quelques années quand je relirais ce Blog, je serais content de lire ca!) Nous jouerons donc la demie finale weekend prochain contre le pays de Galles! Aller les bleus!
Autre bonne nouvelle (pour moi en tout cas) Vendredi les premières neiges sont arrivées dans le Nord de la Suède. (Voir la photo qui a été prise hier a Kiruna, dans le grand Nord Suedois) Cela signifie que d'ici un mois nous devrions voir apparaitre les premiers Flocons a Stockholm.
Les températures ont également pas mal chuttées, il faisait en effet 3 degrès cette nuit a stockholm, 5 ce matin et la aux alentours de 8. (la météo annoncait 12 degrès)
Sinon hier aprem' j'avais une réunion YFU ou j'ai pu discuter avec pas mal d'étudiants d'échanges, ce qui été plutot sympa! Et puis Vendredi soir et Samedi soir: sorties!
Voila Voila... Si il y a des sujets dont vous voudriez que je parle ou des questions n'hésitez pas a me contacter!

Hej da!

dimanche 2 octobre 2011

New blog email address

As I said, I have created an Email address specially for thi blog, so please feel free to contact me (even if I don't know you!) just to let your impressions or ask questions!

sailing boat trip

Tcha ihop !
I hope everybody is fine but I’m sure you are!
So what’s new for me…? This week I chose to stop Latin. Why? Because I never studied Latin before (contrary to people in my class) and to start studying Latin in Swedish it’s just impossible and useless… So now I have free time to work on my Swedish.

Yesterday was a special day; I went on a sailing boat trip. As the winter will come “soon”, we had to drive the family sailing boat from the summer house to Stockholm!  This trip took 10 hours! We leaved the summer house around 8 and arrived around 18. We were 4 on the boat: my host father, one of his friends with his son and me. The first part of this trip is on the sea water, but when we arrived around Stockholm we had to cross a lock in order to go to the lack water! Ten hours is quite a long time, but when we arrived at Stockholm, it was the sunset and we had a wonderful landscape with amazing colors…
Otherwise, I will try to create today this special mail address for my blog!
Have a nice Sunday!