Hey !
So as I promised this weekend, here is a new article!Last week was holidays time for a major part of Sweden (The schools choose the dates, but it’s always (nearly) at the same time) and I have been to Gothenburg. Actually, Alexandra, Gilles and me had flown here to visit Melodie!
We had to get up at 3 in the morning on Monday to go to Arlanda’s Airport where our plane was at 7 o’clock. We traveled with Norwegian airlines (cheaper and faster than the train and excellent company, I recommend it!) and arrived at 8 at Gothenburg Airport where Melodie was waiting for us.
She doesn’t leave in the city but in a small and cute village next to it: Askim (pronounce “Ahrouim”).

Let’s say a few words about Gothenburg now! This city is not a really big one, around 550 000 inhabitants but this is the second biggest city in Sweden after Stockholm. Gothenburg is obviously a really nice town with a harbor, many commercial streets, water canals and paved roads. I really like this city because it is a beautiful one, not to small, not too big and there is an atmosphere of confidence. To give an example, in the bus or in the train everybody should register his electronic card but nobody will check if you do it or if you don’t have one. Furthermore the people look very kind and polite. The only “negative” point is the weather: often raining, but according to me it confer a certain charm to this town.
Otherwise we have been visiting Gothenburg, the west coast, we have been to a kind of park where we saw elks, and we have been to a big night club!It’s always really nice to spend time together and here it was the occasion to discover Melodies’ family and city which is, moreover, in another part of Sweden!
To conclude it was a really nice and funny week, and I really like Gothenburg but I still prefer Stockholm! ;)

A few weather Summary now… After 2 terrible winters, the last month has been the hottest in this season since 1943! The snow has also disappears in the North but it should come back soon! The temperature in Stockholm is around 7 degrees but it should be 4 next weekend. Concerning the sun, in Stockholm the Sunset start around 15h45 and it is dark around 16h15.
And to finish, THE news of the day, I will probably go to Tallinn (Estonia) for the weekend in two weeks with one of my friend’s family! But I’ll give you more information later.
Ho I was about to forget to say that now I decided to try to speak only Swedish with my friends and my host family so I start to have real (but small) conversations in this language!
Så, vi ses nästa helg!!
Encore une fois je vais essayer de commenter, mais je ne te promet rien (ca ne marche quasiment jamais..)
RépondreSupprimerC'est vraiment génial que tu visites un peu la Suède comme ça (et meme l'europe avec tallinn) Je veux voir plus de photos! D'ailleurs la dernière est trop marrante, j'adore (& quel beau bonnet :p )
Profite bien Clém <3
jag alskar dig (moi aussi je parle suedois :p )
Ah oui je voulais ajouter "je trouve que cette ville a un certain charme sous la pluie", ca ne te rappelles pas le film "midnight in paris"? :p <3
OOOH miracle ca a marché! c'est publié! la bonne nouvelle :)