Hej Hej,
After 8 days in Roma, 4 on the Western Coast, I’m still in Holidays and about to visit Copenhagen this weekend.
There are so many things to say but let’s start with Roma.
As I said I moved there with my class for 8 days, we were 32 students, 2 other “help students”, 2 teachers and this trip was probably one of my best scholar one. We visited so many places like the Coliseum, the casa Romani, the Vatican, Trevis’ fountain, the Forum Romano, the catacombs, St Peter’s church and we’d also been to Pompeii to visit the city destroyed by the volcano a thousand years ago. We also saw the Pope when we were in the Vatican. Every mid-day and every evening we were totally free and it was the occasion to eat with the class, with some friends in restaurants to degust Italian pasta and pizza! I loved this trip because it was my second time in Roma and it’s a city I really like but the most important thing in that trip according to me was the atmosphere and the relationships between everybody in the class. It was the opportunity to discover more and more the class and it was just fantastic! I really “love” my class!!! (Thank you to all of them) Furthermore during this week I also talked a lot of Swedish, I think that I really made some progresses! A last point is that it was the first time that I enjoyed so much going to a warm and sunny place. In Roma it was 25 degrees and a huge sun everyday but in Stockholm it’s now really cloudy and we had a little bit snow some days ago.Anyway I will never forget this trip and I will never forget my class… never ever!!!
The day after Roma I directly leaved to the West coast with Alex’s family (my Canadian friend). We were in a small fisherman village: Fiskebäckskil. It was actually a really cute place. Melodie from France also joined us for two days. It was a kind of “break time”. Being in the country side, speaking some French and just having fun, talking, having some walks on the beach. It was really nice.This weekend in Fiskebäckskil was also the Easter weekend so we ate some typical Swedish Easter food. Not that different than Christmas food, the Easter one is also really simple. As well if you spend an Easter to Sweden you will probably eat some (real) eggs, some salmon, some potatoes, some meat bowls, and some lamb meal. You will also probably drink some special “Easter juice” as for Christmas and some “snaps” of strong liquors.
I would like to thanks Alex and Alex’s host parents for welcomed me at their summer place.
I’m now in holiday until Monday and I’m spending some calms days in Stockholm. This weekend I will visit Copenhagen with my host family. I heard that it’s a really nice city, will see that!