Hej Hej!
First of all let’s go back two weeks ago on the Thursday. Every year in Stockholm there is a little international skiing competition in the middle of Stockholm, around the king’s place. That’s the reason why two weeks ago was surrounded by artificial snow whereas the weather was around 10 degrees. I watch the final with some friends, it wasn’t a huge competition but it was really fun to see all that snow in the middle of the city with this nice weather. A Norwegian athlete won the competition.
Two days later, on the Saturday, a movie was played in my street and in my school, for this occasion there were false snow and cameras in a part of the street and the school as you can see on the pictures. The movie’s name is “hypnotisören” and it’s a story from the same name’s book wrote by Karl Kepler. (“the hypnotist” in English, “l’hypnotiseur” in French) A famous Swedish actor was also there: Mikael Persbrandt.
Concerning the weather, the nice days start to arrive: More sun and between 5 to 15 degrees even if we had a “last” small snow storm on Monday.
Anyway Wednesday I’m going to Roma for 8 days with my class and I think that it’s gonna be awesome!
See you in 2 weeks so and enjoy the nice weather!